For the amp in the figure, we assume that λ ≠ 0. a) Determine the AM mid-band gain b) Using Miller's theorem, determine the poles and then estimate the cut-off frequency wH c) Write the transfer function, T(jw) = Vout (jw)/Vin(jw), in the medium bands and high frequencies.

For the amp in the figure, we assume that λ ≠ 0. a) Determine the AM mid-band gain b) Using Miller's theorem, determine the poles and then estimate the cut-off frequency wH c) Write the transfer function, T(jw) = Vout (jw)/Vin(jw), in the medium bands and high frequencies.

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For the amp in the figure, we assume that λ ≠ 0. a) Determine the AM mid-band gain b) Using Miller's theorem, determine the poles and then estimate the cut-off frequency wH c) Write the transfer function, T(jw) = Vout (jw)/Vin(jw), in the medium bands and high frequencies.

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