For the circuit below, assume kn′ = 100 uA/V2, and kp′ = 50 uA/V2, Vtn = |Vtp| = 1 V (a) Find the DC drain currents (ID) and verify operating regions of all transistors. (b) Find the small-signal transfer function (vo/vi), for λn = |λp| = 0. (c) Repeat part (b) for λn = |λp| = 0.1 V−1 Simulate the circuits using MULTISIM to verify your results. Provide all necessary plots. Use NMOS transistors for simulation.

For the circuit below, assume kn′ = 100 uA/V2, and kp′ = 50 uA/V2, Vtn = |Vtp| = 1 V (a) Find the DC drain currents (ID) and verify operating regions of all transistors. (b) Find the small-signal transfer function (vo/vi), for λn = |λp| = 0. (c) Repeat part (b) for λn = |λp| = 0.1 V−1 Simulate the circuits using MULTISIM to verify your results. Provide all necessary plots. Use NMOS transistors for simulation.

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  1. For the circuit below, assume k n = 100 u A / V 2 , and k p = 50 u A / V 2 , V t n = | V t p | = 1 V (a) Find the DC drain currents (ID) and verify operating regions of all transistors. (b) Find the small-signal transfer function ( v o / v i ) , for λ n = | λ p | = 0 . (c) Repeat part (b) for λ n = | λ p | = 0.1 V 1
Simulate the circuits using MULTISIM to verify your results. Provide all necessary plots. Use NMOS transistors for simulation.

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