For the circuit below, assume the MOSFET operates in saturation and is characterized by parameters VTN and KN. a. Draw the equivalent circuit, replacing the MOSFET with its SCS model. b. Find the output operating point ( VO and ID in terms of the input bias VIN ) c. What is VOUT when VIN = 0 ? d. Draw the small-signal model e. Determine the small-signal gain vout/vin . f. Determine the small-signal output resistance g. Determine the small-signal input resistance.

For the circuit below, assume the MOSFET operates in saturation and is characterized by parameters VTN and KN. a. Draw the equivalent circuit, replacing the MOSFET with its SCS model. b. Find the output operating point ( VO and ID in terms of the input bias VIN ) c. What is VOUT when VIN = 0 ? d. Draw the small-signal model e. Determine the small-signal gain vout/vin . f. Determine the small-signal output resistance g. Determine the small-signal input resistance.

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For the circuit below, assume the MOSFET operates in saturation and is characterized by parameters V T N and K N . a. Draw the equivalent circuit, replacing the MOSFET with its SCS model. b. Find the output operating point ( V O and I D in terms of the input bias V I N ) c. What is V OUT when V I N = 0 ? d. Draw the small-signal model e. Determine the small-signal gain v out / v in . f. Determine the small-signal output resistance g. Determine the small-signal input resistance.

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