For the circuit in Fig. P5.58: (a) Show that for the PMOS transistor to operate in saturation, the following condition must be satisfied: IR < |Vtp| (b) If the transistor is specified to have |Vtp| = 1 V and kp = 0.2 mA/V2, and for I = 0.1 mA, find the voltages VSD and VSG for R = 0, 10 kohm, 30 kohm, and 100 kohm.

For the circuit in Fig. P5.58: (a) Show that for the PMOS transistor to operate in saturation, the following condition must be satisfied: IR < |Vtp| (b) If the transistor is specified to have |Vtp| = 1 V and kp = 0.2 mA/V2, and for I = 0.1 mA, find the voltages VSD and VSG for R = 0, 10 kohm, 30 kohm, and 100 kohm.For the circuit in Fig. P5.58: (a) Show that for the PMOS transistor to operate in saturation, the following condition must be satisfied: IR < |Vtp| (b) If the transistor is specified to have |Vtp| = 1 V and kp = 0.2 mA/V2, and for I = 0.1 mA, find the voltages VSD and VSG for R = 0, 10 kohm, 30 kohm, and 100 kohm.

Image text
For the circuit in Fig. P5.58: (a) Show that for the PMOS transistor to operate in saturation, the following condition must be satisfied: IR < |Vtp| (b) If the transistor is specified to have |Vtp| = 1 V and kp = 0.2 mA/V2, and for I = 0.1 mA, find the voltages VSD and VSG for R = 0, 10 kohm, 30 kohm, and 100 kohm.

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