For the circuit shown in Figure. 3, assume the circuit parameters are: VCC = 5 V, VBB = 1.025 V, RB = 100 kΩ, and RC = 6 kΩ. Consider the transistor parameters as β = 150, VBE(on) = 0.7 V, and VA = 150 V. (a) Calculate the Q-point values (ICQ, VCEQ) using DC analysis, (b) Determine the small-signal hybrid−π parameters (rπ, gm, ro), (c) Find the small-signal voltage gain Av = Vo/Vs. [22 Marks] Figure. 3

For the circuit shown in Figure. 3, assume the circuit parameters are: VCC = 5 V, VBB = 1.025 V, RB = 100 kΩ, and RC = 6 kΩ. Consider the transistor parameters as β = 150, VBE(on) = 0.7 V, and VA = 150 V. (a) Calculate the Q-point values (ICQ, VCEQ) using DC analysis, (b) Determine the small-signal hybrid−π parameters (rπ, gm, ro), (c) Find the small-signal voltage gain Av = Vo/Vs. [22 Marks] Figure. 3

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For the circuit shown in Figure. 3, assume the circuit parameters are: V C C = 5 V , V B B = 1.025 V , R B = 100 k Ω , and R C = 6 k Ω . Consider the transistor parameters as β = 150 , V B E ( on ) = 0.7 V , and V A = 150 V . (a) Calculate the Q-point values ( I C Q , V C E Q ) using DC analysis, (b) Determine the small-signal hybrid π parameters ( r π , g m , r o ) , (c) Find the smallsignal voltage gain A v = V o / V s . [22 Marks]
Figure. 3

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