For the circuits below, draw the equivalent circuit diagrams where the only components are resistors, voltage sources and current sources. The MOSFET is in saturated mode and the BJT is in active mode. Then use node voltage analysis to solve the current flowing through the 2 kΩ resistor. Use supernode method if "advanced" node analysis method needed. BJT parameters are VBE = 0.7 V and β = 200 MOSFET is to be modelded by a voltage-dependent current source with drain current ID = 0.001vGS

For the circuits below, draw the equivalent circuit diagrams where the only components are resistors, voltage sources and current sources. The MOSFET is in saturated mode and the BJT is in active mode. Then use node voltage analysis to solve the current flowing through the 2 kΩ resistor. Use supernode method if "advanced" node analysis method needed. BJT parameters are VBE = 0.7 V and β = 200 MOSFET is to be modelded by a voltage-dependent current source with drain current ID = 0.001vGS

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  1. For the circuits below, draw the equivalent circuit diagrams where the only components are resistors, voltage sources and current sources. The MOSFET is in saturated mode and the BJT is in active mode. Then use node voltage analysis to solve the current flowing through the 2 k Ω resistor. Use supernode method if "advanced" node analysis method needed. BJT parameters are V B E = 0.7 V and β = 200 MOSFET is to be modelded by a voltage-dependent current source with drain current I D = 0.001 v G S

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