For the MOS-FET based voltage amplifier shown in Fig. 4 ; consider "Vb" as a DC battery, transistors M1 & M2 have different transconductance parameters as well as different Early voltages (K1 ≠ K2 & VA1 ≠ VA2). Derive expressions for: Mid-band voltage gain "Vout /Vin" (15 marks) Input resistance and output resistance (10 marks) Note: Don't neglect the channel length modulation effect for both transistors Figure 4 MOS-FET Voltage Amplifier

For the MOS-FET based voltage amplifier shown in Fig. 4 ; consider "Vb" as a DC battery, transistors M1 & M2 have different transconductance parameters as well as different Early voltages (K1 ≠ K2 & VA1 ≠ VA2). Derive expressions for: Mid-band voltage gain "Vout /Vin" (15 marks) Input resistance and output resistance (10 marks) Note: Don't neglect the channel length modulation effect for both transistors Figure 4 MOS-FET Voltage Amplifier

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For the MOS-FET based voltage amplifier shown in Fig. 4 ; consider " V b " as a DC battery, transistors M 1 & M 2 have different transconductance parameters as well as different Early voltages ( K 1 K 2 & V A 1 V A 2 ) . Derive expressions for:
  • Mid-band voltage gain " V out / V in " (15 marks)
  • Input resistance and output resistance (10 marks)
Note: Don't neglect the channel length modulation effect for both transistors Figure 4 MOS-FET Voltage Amplifier

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