For the n-channel MOSFET circuit below the gate measured DC gate voltage is 3V as shown. You are given kn = 4mA/V2, VA = ∞, and Vt = 1V. a) Calculate the DC drain voltage, VD. b) Calculate the DC current out of the source, IS. c) What is the small signal transconductance parameter, gm.

For the n-channel MOSFET circuit below the gate measured DC gate voltage is 3V as shown. You are given kn = 4mA/V2, VA = ∞, and Vt = 1V. a) Calculate the DC drain voltage, VD. b) Calculate the DC current out of the source, IS. c) What is the small signal transconductance parameter, gm.

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For the n-channel MOSFET circuit below the gate measured DC gate voltage is 3V as shown. You are given kn = 4mA/V2, VA = ∞, and Vt = 1V. a) Calculate the DC drain voltage, VD. b) Calculate the DC current out of the source, IS. c) What is the small signal transconductance parameter, gm.

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