For the transistors in the homework, assume VDD = 1.8 V, μnCox = 100 μAV−1, μpCox = 50 μAV−1, Vthn = 0.4 V, Vthp = −0.5 V, λn = λp = 0.05 V−1 In the inverter of Fig. 1, the output low level must remain below 150 mV. If (W/L)2 = 3 μm/0.18 μm, determine the minimum required width of M1 in case L1 = 180 nm. Find the static power consumption of the inverter in case where VOL = 150 mV.

For the transistors in the homework, assume VDD = 1.8 V, μnCox = 100 μAV−1, μpCox = 50 μAV−1, Vthn = 0.4 V, Vthp = −0.5 V, λn = λp = 0.05 V−1 In the inverter of Fig. 1, the output low level must remain below 150 mV. If (W/L)2 = 3 μm/0.18 μm, determine the minimum required width of M1 in case L1 = 180 nm. Find the static power consumption of the inverter in case where VOL = 150 mV.

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For the transistors in the homework, assume V D D = 1.8 V , μ n C o x = 100 μ A V 1 , μ p C o x =
50 μ A V 1 , V thn = 0.4 V , V thp = 0.5 V , λ n = λ p = 0.05 V 1
  1. In the inverter of Fig. 1, the output low level must remain below 150 m V . If ( W / L ) 2 = 3 μ m / 0.18 μ m , determine the minimum required width of M1 in case L 1 = 180 n m . Find the static power consumption of the inverter in case where V O L = 150 m V .

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