For the two-stage amplifier above, RG1 = 300 Kohm, RD1 = 23 Kohm, Rs1 = 2 Kohm, gm1 = 0.7 mS for M1 and C2 is used for dominant pole. To design the lower corner frequency fL = 3.6 KHz, determine the value of C2 in nF

For the two-stage amplifier above, RG1 = 300 Kohm, RD1 = 23 Kohm, Rs1 = 2 Kohm, gm1 = 0.7 mS for M1 and C2 is used for dominant pole. To design the lower corner frequency fL = 3.6 KHz, determine the value of C2 in nF

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For the two-stage amplifier above, R G 1 = 300 K o h m , R D 1 = 23 K o h m , R s 1 = 2 K o h m , g m 1 = 0.7 m S for M 1 and C 2 is used for dominant pole. To design the lower corner frequency f L = 3.6 K H z , determine the value of C 2 in n F

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