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Q5. For the amplifier circuit shown in Fig. Q5, the NMOS transistor M l has the following parameters: K n = 0.75 m A / V 2 , λ = 0.01 V 1 and V T H = 1 V . Fig. Q5
(a) Calculate R 2 such that the D C drain current through M l is 1.5 m A . Verify that the MOSFET is operating in the saturation region. [ Ans: R 2 = 20.6 k Ω ] (b) Calculate the parameters, g m and r o , of the AC small signal model of the transistor M l .
[Ans: g m = 2.12 m A / V ; r o = 66.7 k Ω ]
(c) What is the configuration of this amplifier? (d) Calculate the input resistance, R in . (e) Calculate the output resistance, R out .
[Ans: R out = 17.1 k Ω ] [ Ans: R out = 3.8 k Ω ]
(f) Estimate the voltage gain, A v ( = v out / v in ) .
[ Ans: v out / v in = 4.26 ]

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