Further, assume that the DC current of M1 and M2 is 1 mA each and that of M3 and M4 is 0.5 mA each. Assume all transistors are in operating in saturation region and the aspect ratio of transistors is as follows: (W/L)1 = 125, (W/L)2 = 250, (W/L)3 = 40, and (W/L)4 = 80. a) Find transconductance (gm) of all the transistors and the drain-source resistance (ro) of the PMOS transistors, that is, ro2 and ro4. [10 marks] b) Find the voltage gains Vout1/Vin and Vout /Vin. . In the following circuit assume: λ(NMOS) = 0 V−1, λ(PMOS) = 0.05 V−1, VDD = 3.0 V, VTH(NMOS) = ∣VTH(PMOS)∣ = 0.5 V, μnCox = 0.1 mA/V2, μpCox = 0.05 mA/V2, and γ(NMOS) = γ(NMOS) = 0.

Further, assume that the DC current of M1 and M2 is 1 mA each and that of M3 and M4 is 0.5 mA each. Assume all transistors are in operating in saturation region and the aspect ratio of transistors is as follows: (W/L)1 = 125, (W/L)2 = 250, (W/L)3 = 40, and (W/L)4 = 80. a) Find transconductance (gm) of all the transistors and the drain-source resistance (ro) of the PMOS transistors, that is, ro2 and ro4. [10 marks] b) Find the voltage gains Vout1/Vin  and Vout /Vin. .  In the following circuit assume: λ(NMOS) = 0 V−1, λ(PMOS) = 0.05 V−1, VDD = 3.0 V, VTH(NMOS) = ∣VTH(PMOS)∣ = 0.5 V, μnCox = 0.1 mA/V2, μpCox = 0.05 mA/V2, and γ(NMOS) = γ(NMOS) = 0.

Image text
Further, assume that the DC current of M1 and M2 is 1 mA each and that of M3 and M4 is 0.5 mA each. Assume all transistors are in operating in saturation region and the aspect ratio of transistors is as follows: (W/L)1 = 125, (W/L)2 = 250, (W/L)3 = 40, and (W/L)4 = 80. a) Find transconductance (gm) of all the transistors and the drain-source resistance (ro) of the PMOS transistors, that is, ro2 and ro4. [10 marks] b) Find the voltage gains Vout1/Vin and Vout /Vin. . In the following circuit assume: λ(NMOS) = 0 V−1, λ(PMOS) = 0.05 V−1, VDD = 3.0 V, VTH(NMOS) = ∣VTH(PMOS)∣ = 0.5 V, μnCox = 0.1 mA/V2, μpCox = 0.05 mA/V2, and γ(NMOS) = γ(NMOS) = 0.

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