Given the circuits on the left. Ignore the channel length modulation. Assume these transistors are fabricated on the same technology such that all NMOS transistors have the same Vt,n and µn, and all PMOS transistors have the same Vt,p and µp. Prove that if all transistors are in saturation, the following relationships between the transistor currents are true: ID2/ID1 = (W/L)2/(W/L)1 and ID4/ID3 = (W/L)4/(W/L)3.

Given the circuits on the left. Ignore the channel length modulation. Assume these transistors are fabricated on the same technology such that all NMOS transistors have the same Vt,n and µn, and all PMOS transistors have the same Vt,p and µp. Prove that if all transistors are in saturation, the following relationships between the transistor currents are true: ID2/ID1 = (W/L)2/(W/L)1 and ID4/ID3 = (W/L)4/(W/L)3.

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Given the circuits on the left. Ignore the channel length modulation. Assume these transistors are fabricated on the same technology such that all NMOS transistors have the same Vt,n and µn, and all PMOS transistors have the same Vt,p and µp. Prove that if all transistors are in saturation, the following relationships between the transistor currents are true: ID2/ID1 = (W/L)2/(W/L)1 and ID4/ID3 = (W/L)4/(W/L)3.

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