In the amplifier circuit shown in Fig. Q5, the MOSFETs, M1 and M2, are identical with a Threshold voltage magnitude of 1.2 V, a Conductance Parameter of 2 mA/V2 and they do not experience Channel Length Modulation effect. Fig. Q The MOSFET M1 is in saturation operation and its drain current, ID,M1 = 1.2 mA. (a) Show that the DC drain current of MOSFET M2, ID,M2 = ID,M1 with reasoning. (4 marks) (b) Determine the value of RREF. (4 marks) (c) Which MOSFET, M1 or M2, performs the amplification function? Why? (2 marks) (d) What is the configuration of the amplifier circuit? (1 mark) (e) Determine the values of the 2-port network equivalent parameters of the amplifier: Gm( or Av),Rin and Rout . (5 marks) (f) Determine the gain (vout /vs) of the amplifier. (2 marks) (g) If RA is zero, discuss the effects on the operation of the amplifier circuit. All the other resistors in the amplifier circuit are not changed. (2 marks)

In the amplifier circuit shown in Fig. Q5, the MOSFETs, M1 and M2, are identical with a Threshold voltage magnitude of 1.2 V, a Conductance Parameter of 2 mA/V2 and they do not experience Channel Length Modulation effect. Fig. Q The MOSFET M1 is in saturation operation and its drain current, ID,M1 = 1.2 mA. (a) Show that the DC drain current of MOSFET M2, ID,M2 = ID,M1 with reasoning. (4 marks) (b) Determine the value of RREF. (4 marks) (c) Which MOSFET, M1 or M2, performs the amplification function? Why? (2 marks) (d) What is the configuration of the amplifier circuit? (1 mark) (e) Determine the values of the 2-port network equivalent parameters of the amplifier: Gm( or Av),Rin  and Rout . (5 marks) (f) Determine the gain (vout /vs) of the amplifier. (2 marks) (g) If RA is zero, discuss the effects on the operation of the amplifier circuit. All the other resistors in the amplifier circuit are not changed. (2 marks)

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In the amplifier circuit shown in Fig. Q5, the MOSFETs, M1 and M2, are identical with a Threshold voltage magnitude of 1.2 V, a Conductance Parameter of 2 mA/V2 and they do not experience Channel Length Modulation effect. Fig. Q The MOSFET M1 is in saturation operation and its drain current, ID,M1 = 1.2 mA. (a) Show that the DC drain current of MOSFET M2, ID,M2 = ID,M1 with reasoning. (4 marks) (b) Determine the value of RREF. (4 marks) (c) Which MOSFET, M1 or M2, performs the amplification function? Why? (2 marks) (d) What is the configuration of the amplifier circuit? (1 mark) (e) Determine the values of the 2-port network equivalent parameters of the amplifier: Gm( or Av),Rin and Rout . (5 marks) (f) Determine the gain (vout /vs) of the amplifier. (2 marks) (g) If RA is zero, discuss the effects on the operation of the amplifier circuit. All the other resistors in the amplifier circuit are not changed. (2 marks)

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