In the circuit above, the MOSFET and BJT have the following parameters, K = 4 mA/V2, VT = 0.9 v, β = 100, VBE( active) = 0.7 v, VBE (sat) = 0.8 v (a) Find out the gate voltage of the MOSFET. (b) Calculate V1. (c) Find out the expression for VGS, VDS and VOV. (d) Find the operating mode of the MOSFET using the expressions from (C). [Hint: You don't need any assumption] (e) Calculate IDS and VDS using the given parameters. (f) Assume that the BJT is in the saturation mode. Now, calculate IB, IC, IE. You must validate the given assumption.

In the circuit above, the MOSFET and BJT have the following parameters, K = 4 mA/V2, VT = 0.9 v, β = 100, VBE( active) = 0.7 v, VBE (sat) = 0.8 v (a) Find out the gate voltage of the MOSFET. (b) Calculate V1. (c) Find out the expression for VGS, VDS and VOV. (d) Find the operating mode of the MOSFET using the expressions from (C). [Hint: You don't need any assumption] (e) Calculate IDS and VDS using the given parameters. (f) Assume that the BJT is in the saturation mode. Now, calculate IB, IC, IE. You must validate the given assumption.

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In the circuit above, the MOSFET and BJT have the following parameters, K = 4 mA/V2, VT = 0.9 v, β = 100, VBE( active) = 0.7 v, VBE (sat) = 0.8 v (a) Find out the gate voltage of the MOSFET. (b) Calculate V1. (c) Find out the expression for VGS, VDS and VOV. (d) Find the operating mode of the MOSFET using the expressions from (C). [Hint: You don't need any assumption] (e) Calculate IDS and VDS using the given parameters. (f) Assume that the BJT is in the saturation mode. Now, calculate IB, IC, IE. You must validate the given assumption.

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