In the circuit (W/L) = (2/3) for QREF and (W/L) = (4/5) for the other MOSFETs. The MOSFETs are identical in all other respects. If IREF = 30 μA, what is IA?

In the circuit (W/L) = (2/3) for QREF and (W/L) = (4/5) for the other MOSFETs. The MOSFETs are identical in all other respects. If IREF = 30 μA, what is IA?

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In the circuit ( W / L ) = ( 2 / 3 ) for Q R E F and ( W / L ) = ( 4 / 5 ) for the other MOSFETs. The MOSFETs are identical in all other respects. If I R E F = 30 μ A , what is I A ?

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