In this amplifier circuit, it is known that the MOSFET transistor has a constant kn = 0.1 mA/V2 and that the BJT has a beta (β) equal to 100 . It is given that the NMOS transistor operates in saturation having a current: IDS = 2.52 μA. a) What is the small signal gain at midband conditions? Av = vo/vi b) What is the value of this amplifier's input resistance? c) What is the value of this amplifier output resistance d) Draw a circuit model for this voltage amplifier consisting of an input resistor, a dependent voltage source and an output resistor.
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In this amplifier circuit, it is known that the MOSFET transistor has a constant kn = 0.1 mA/V2 and that the BJT has a beta (β) equal to 100 . It is given that the NMOS transistor operates in saturation having a current: IDS = 2.52 μA. a) What is the small signal gain at midband conditions? Av = vo/vi b) What is the value of this amplifier's input resistance? c) What is the value of this amplifier output resistance d) Draw a circuit model for this voltage amplifier consisting of an input resistor, a dependent voltage source and an output resistor.