Observe the dc response of an inverter and answer the following questions: Figure 1: DC response curve of a CMOS inverter Vdd = 1v and beta ratio, r = 1. (a) Calculate Vtn, Vtp, Vinv. (b) Evaluate high and low noise margins and comment on its skewness. (c) Why are there one nMOS and one pMOS parallelly connected in a transmission gate?

Observe the dc response of an inverter and answer the following questions: Figure 1: DC response curve of a CMOS inverter Vdd = 1v and beta ratio, r = 1. (a) Calculate Vtn, Vtp, Vinv. (b) Evaluate high and low noise margins and comment on its skewness. (c) Why are there one nMOS and one pMOS parallelly connected in a transmission gate?

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Observe the dc response of an inverter and answer the following questions: Figure 1: DC response curve of a CMOS inverter Vdd = 1v and beta ratio, r = 1. (a) Calculate Vtn, Vtp, Vinv. (b) Evaluate high and low noise margins and comment on its skewness. (c) Why are there one nMOS and one pMOS parallelly connected in a transmission gate?

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