Problem 06.047 - Resistor value for equal energy stored in a capacitor and an inductor Consider L = 29 mH in the given circuit and calculate the value of R that will make the energy stored in the capacitor the same as that stored in the inductor under dc conditions. The value of R that will make the energy stored in the capacitor the same as that stored in the inductor under dc conditions is Ω.

Problem 06.047 - Resistor value for equal energy stored in a capacitor and an inductor Consider L = 29 mH in the given circuit and calculate the value of R that will make the energy stored in the capacitor the same as that stored in the inductor under dc conditions. The value of R that will make the energy stored in the capacitor the same as that stored in the inductor under dc conditions is Ω.

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Problem 06.047 - Resistor value for equal energy stored in a capacitor and an inductor
Consider L = 29 m H in the given circuit and calculate the value of R that will make the energy stored in the capacitor the same as that stored in the inductor under dc conditions.
The value of R that will make the energy stored in the capacitor the same as that stored in the inductor under dc conditions is Ω .

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