Problem 3: Using graphical methods, find the output voltage of the enhancement-mode MOSFET follower if (1) VIN = 10 V; (2) VIN = 2 V. The MOSFET has parameters K = 0.5 mA/V2 and VTR = 2 V. The Thevenin circuit has values VDD = 15 V and Rs = 1 kΩ.

Problem 3: Using graphical methods, find the output voltage of the enhancement-mode MOSFET follower if (1) VIN = 10 V; (2) VIN = 2 V. The MOSFET has parameters K = 0.5 mA/V2 and VTR = 2 V. The Thevenin circuit has values VDD = 15 V and Rs = 1 kΩ.

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Problem 3: Using graphical methods, find the output voltage of the enhancement-mode MOSFET follower if (1) V I N = 10 V ; (2) V I N = 2 V . The MOSFET has parameters K = 0.5 m A / V 2 and V T R = 2 V . The Thevenin circuit has values V D D = 15 V and R s = 1 k Ω .

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