Problem 7.3 (20 points) Consider an ideal op-amp network depicted in Figure P7.3. (a) What are the terminal voltages (v−, v+) and currents (i−, i+) of the inverting and noninverting terminals, respectively. (b) Express the output voltage V0 in terms of the resistors and the input voltages Vs1, Vs2. Does it depend on the load resistor RF? Then evaluate V0. Figure P7.3 Vs1 = 6 V, Vs2 = 2 V, Rs = 1 kΩ, RF = 4 kΩ, RL = 2 kΩ

Problem 7.3 (20 points) Consider an ideal op-amp network depicted in Figure P7.3. (a) What are the terminal voltages (v−, v+) and currents (i−, i+) of the inverting and noninverting terminals, respectively. (b) Express the output voltage V0 in terms of the resistors and the input voltages Vs1, Vs2. Does it depend on the load resistor RF? Then evaluate V0. Figure P7.3 Vs1 = 6 V, Vs2 = 2 V, Rs = 1 kΩ, RF = 4 kΩ, RL = 2 kΩ

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Problem 7.3 (20 points) Consider an ideal op-amp network depicted in Figure P7.3. (a) What are the terminal voltages ( v , v + ) and currents ( i , i + ) of the inverting and noninverting terminals, respectively. (b) Express the output voltage V 0 in terms of the resistors and the input voltages V s 1 , V s 2 . Does it depend on the load resistor R F ? Then evaluate V 0 . Figure P7.3
V s 1 = 6 V , V s 2 = 2 V , R s = 1 k Ω , R F = 4 k Ω , R L = 2 k Ω

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