Q6. For the amplifier circuit shown in Fig. Q6, the MOS Transistor Ml has the following parameters: Kn = 1 mAV−2, and VTHN = 1 V. MOS transistors M2 and M3 are identical and have the following parameters: Kp = 1 mAV−2, and VTHP = −1 V. Fig. Q6 (a) Perform the DC analysis of the amplifier circuit shown in Fig. Q6, and show that the DC gate voltage of Ml is 5 V. You need to explain briefly your answer. (b) Calculate the value of RS such that the drain current of MI is 4 mA. Verify that the Ml is operating in the saturation region. [ Ans: Rs = 0.5 kΩ] (c) Calculate the parameters, gm and ro, of the small-signal model of the transistor Ml. [Ans: gm, M1 = 4 mAV−1, and ro, M1 = ∞ ] (d) What is the configuration of this amplifier? (e) Calculate the values of Rin , and Rout . [Ans: Rin = 5 kΩ and Rout = 2 kΩ ] (f) Estimate the voltage gain, Av( = vout /vin ). [ Ans: AV = −1.78]

Q6. For the amplifier circuit shown in Fig. Q6, the MOS Transistor Ml has the following parameters: Kn = 1 mAV−2, and VTHN = 1 V. MOS transistors M2 and M3 are identical and have the following parameters: Kp = 1 mAV−2, and VTHP = −1 V. Fig. Q6 (a) Perform the DC analysis of the amplifier circuit shown in Fig. Q6, and show that the DC gate voltage of Ml is 5 V. You need to explain briefly your answer. (b) Calculate the value of RS such that the drain current of MI is 4 mA. Verify that the Ml is operating in the saturation region. [ Ans: Rs = 0.5 kΩ] (c) Calculate the parameters, gm and ro, of the small-signal model of the transistor Ml. [Ans: gm, M1 = 4 mAV−1, and ro, M1 = ∞ ] (d) What is the configuration of this amplifier? (e) Calculate the values of Rin , and Rout . [Ans: Rin = 5 kΩ and Rout = 2 kΩ ] (f) Estimate the voltage gain, Av( = vout /vin ). [ Ans: AV = −1.78]

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Q6. For the amplifier circuit shown in Fig. Q6, the MOS Transistor M l has the following parameters: K n = 1 m A V 2 , and V T H N = 1 V . MOS transistors M 2 and M 3 are identical and have the following parameters: K p = 1 m A V 2 , and V T H P = 1 V . Fig. Q6 (a) Perform the DC analysis of the amplifier circuit shown in Fig. Q6, and show that the DC gate voltage of M l is 5 V . You need to explain briefly your answer. (b) Calculate the value of R S such that the drain current of M I is 4 m A . Verify that the M l is operating in the saturation region.
[ Ans: R s = 0.5 k Ω ]
(c) Calculate the parameters, g m and r o , of the small-signal model of the transistor M l .
[Ans: g m , M 1 = 4 m A V 1 , and r o , M 1 = ]
(d) What is the configuration of this amplifier? (e) Calculate the values of R in , and R out .
[Ans: R in = 5 k Ω and R out = 2 k Ω ]
(f) Estimate the voltage gain, A v ( = v out / v in ) . [ Ans: A V = 1.78 ]

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