Q7. Find the voltage gain in the circuit below. Assume that all transistors are saturated. The technology parameters are as follows: VTn = −VTp = 0.7 V, kn′ = 110 μA/V2, kp′ = 50 μA/V2, λn = 0.04 V−1, λp = 0.05 V−1.

Q7. Find the voltage gain in the circuit below. Assume that all transistors are saturated. The technology parameters are as follows: VTn = −VTp = 0.7 V, kn′ = 110 μA/V2, kp′ = 50 μA/V2, λn = 0.04 V−1, λp = 0.05 V−1.

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Q7. Find the voltage gain in the circuit below. Assume that all transistors are saturated. The technology parameters are as follows: V T n = V T p = 0.7 V , k n = 110 μ A / V 2 , k p = 50 μ A / V 2 , λ n = 0.04 V 1 , λ p = 0.05 V 1 .

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