Question 1. Cascode Amplifier In the circuit below, assume μnCox(W/L)1 = μnCox(W/L)2 = 1 mA/V2, ID1 = ID2 = 0.55 mA, VDD = 3.1 V, Vth = 1 V, λ = 0.1, and RD = 2 kΩ (neglect body effect) (a) Calculate VB and VIN such that M1 is exactly at saturation (VDS = VGS−Vth) (b) Draw small signal model and calculate small signal gain vout/vin Figure 1. Cascode Amplifier

Question 1. Cascode Amplifier In the circuit below, assume μnCox(W/L)1 = μnCox(W/L)2 = 1 mA/V2, ID1 = ID2 = 0.55 mA, VDD = 3.1 V, Vth = 1 V, λ = 0.1, and RD = 2 kΩ (neglect body effect) (a) Calculate VB and VIN such that M1 is exactly at saturation (VDS = VGS−Vth) (b) Draw small signal model and calculate small signal gain vout/vin Figure 1. Cascode Amplifier

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Question 1. Cascode Amplifier In the circuit below, assume μ n C o x ( W L ) 1 = μ n C o x ( W L ) 2 = 1 m A / V 2 , I D 1 = I D 2 = 0.55 m A , V D D = 3.1 V, V th = 1 V , λ = 0.1 , and R D = 2 k Ω (neglect body effect) (a) Calculate V B and V I N such that M 1 is exactly at saturation ( V D S = V G S V t h ) (b) Draw small signal model and calculate small signal gain v out v in Figure 1. Cascode Amplifier

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