Question 4: Consider the differential pair in Figure below. All transistors are operate at Vov = 0.15 V:|Vt| = 0.25 V, μCox = 200 μA/V2, and VA = 10 V. VD = 0 at each M1 and M2 drain. a. Determine the value of RD and the (W/L) ratios of M1, M2, M3 and M4. b. What is the differential gain (Ad) of the circuit? c. What is the common mode gain (Acm) of the circuit?

Question 4: Consider the differential pair in Figure below. All transistors are operate at Vov = 0.15 V:|Vt| = 0.25 V, μCox = 200 μA/V2, and VA = 10 V. VD = 0 at each M1 and M2 drain. a. Determine the value of RD and the (W/L) ratios of M1, M2, M3 and M4. b. What is the differential gain (Ad) of the circuit? c. What is the common mode gain (Acm) of the circuit?

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Question 4: Consider the differential pair in Figure below. All transistors are operate at Vov = 0.15 V : | V t | = 0.25 V , μ C o x 200 μ A / V 2 , and V A = 10 V . V D = 0 at each M 1 and M 2 drain. a. Determine the value of R D and the (W/L) ratios of M 1 , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 . b. What is the differential gain ( A d ) of the circuit? c. What is the common mode gain ( A c m ) of the circuit?

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