Sedra Smith textbook - problem 9. 12 [15pts] An NMOS differential amplifier (as shown), is operated at a bias current I of 0. 2 mA, has K = 6.4 mA/V2, and RD1 = RD2 = RD = 10 kΩ. [Assume that VA is large and can be ignored]. Find gm, and Ad. [Hint: You may want to manipulate the transconductance equation and then combine it with the saturation current equation.]

Sedra Smith textbook - problem 9. 12 [15pts] An NMOS differential amplifier (as shown), is operated at a bias current I of 0. 2 mA, has K = 6.4 mA/V2, and RD1 = RD2 = RD = 10 kΩ. [Assume that VA is large and can be ignored]. Find gm, and Ad. [Hint: You may want to manipulate the transconductance equation and then combine it with the saturation current equation.]

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  1. Sedra Smith textbook - problem 9.12 [ 15 p t s ] An NMOS differential amplifier (as shown), is operated at a bias current I of 0.2 m A , has K = 6.4 m A / V 2 , and R D 1 = R D 2 = R D = 10 k Ω . [Assume that V A is large and can be ignored]. Find g m , and A d . [Hint: You may want to manipulate the transconductance equation and then combine it with the saturation current equation.]

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