Suppose a signal source Vgen has a Thevenin-equivalent circuit resistance Rgen = 50k as shown below, and is connected through terminals 1 and 2 to a load resistance RL = 600 : Calculate the voltage loss LdB = 20log10(Vgen/VL) for this circuit. Conventionally, loss in dB is a positive number, which is why the source voltage is on top in the fraction.

Suppose a signal source Vgen  has a Thevenin-equivalent circuit resistance Rgen = 50k as shown below, and is connected through terminals 1 and 2 to a load resistance RL = 600 : Calculate the voltage loss LdB = 20log10(Vgen/VL) for this circuit. Conventionally, loss in dB is a positive number, which is why the source voltage is on top in the fraction.

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Suppose a signal source Vgen has a Thevenin-equivalent circuit resistance Rgen = 50k as shown below, and is connected through terminals 1 and 2 to a load resistance RL = 600 : Calculate the voltage loss LdB = 20log10(Vgen/VL) for this circuit. Conventionally, loss in dB is a positive number, which is why the source voltage is on top in the fraction.

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