The basic diff BJT below provides a differential input resistance (Rid = 2rπ) of 50 kΩ. Design the amplifier (choose the value of RC) to provide a differential voltage gain of 38 dB. Let β = 100. 20 KOhm 3.25 KOhm 1.50 KOhm 25 KOhm

The basic diff BJT below provides a differential input resistance (Rid = 2rπ) of 50 kΩ. Design the amplifier (choose the value of RC) to provide a differential voltage gain of 38 dB. Let β = 100. 20 KOhm 3.25 KOhm 1.50 KOhm 25 KOhm

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The basic diff BJT below provides a differential input resistance ( R i d = 2 r π ) of 50 k Ω . Design the amplifier (choose the value of R C ) to provide a differential voltage gain of 38 d B . Let β = 100 . 20 K O h m 3.25 KOhm 1.50 K O h m 25 K O h m

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