The desired amplifier characteristic are a voltage gain of 80 dB and an input impedance of 10 kΩ. Select a value for R1. Select a value for R2 that will minimize dc offset error. What is the small-signal bandwidth of the amplifier? What is the gain of the amplifier at fb? What is the gain of the amplifier at 10 kHz?

The desired amplifier characteristic are a voltage gain of 80 dB and an input impedance of 10 kΩ. Select a value for R1. Select a value for R2 that will minimize dc offset error. What is the small-signal bandwidth of the amplifier? What is the gain of the amplifier at fb? What is the gain of the amplifier at 10 kHz?

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  • The desired amplifier characteristic are a voltage gain of 80 d B and an input impedance of 10 k Ω . Select a value for R 1 .
  • Select a value for R 2 that will minimize dc offset error.
  • What is the small-signal bandwidth of the amplifier?
  • What is the gain of the amplifier at f b ?
  • What is the gain of the amplifier at 10 k H z ?

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