The differential amplifier of Fig. 5 is biased with I = 100 μA. All transistors have L = 2 μm, and Q1 and Q2 have W/L = 50. All transistors are operated in saturation region. The circuit is fabricated in a process for which μnCox = 200 μA/V2 and |VA′| = 5 V/μm. Find gm1, 2, ro2, ro4, and Ad = vo/vid. Fig. 5

The differential amplifier of Fig. 5 is biased with I = 100 μA. All transistors have L = 2 μm, and Q1 and Q2 have W/L = 50. All transistors are operated in saturation region. The circuit is fabricated in a process for which μnCox = 200 μA/V2 and |VA′| = 5 V/μm. Find gm1, 2, ro2, ro4, and Ad = vo/vid. Fig. 5

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  1. (20 points) The differential amplifier of Fig. 5 is biased with I = 100 μ A . All transistors have L = 2 μ m , and Q 1 and Q 2 have W / L = 50 . All transistors are operated in saturation region. The circuit is fabricated in a process for which μ n C o x = 200 μ A / V 2 and | V A | = 5 V / μ m . Find g m 1 , 2 , r o 2 , r o 4 , and A d = v o / v i d . Fig. 5

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