The following circuit applies to Questions 11 through 13. Given: μnCox(W/L)1 = 10 mA/V2, μpCox(W/L)2 = 20 mA/V2, Vtn = |Vtp| = 0.4 V, R = 5 kΩ, and VDD = 1.5 V Assuming that both MOSFETs M1 and M2 are biased in saturation, and that λ = 0, find the value of ID1 (in mA) so that the small-signal gain, vout/vin, of this amplifier is −10 V/V.

The following circuit applies to Questions 11 through 13. Given: μnCox(W/L)1 = 10 mA/V2, μpCox(W/L)2 = 20 mA/V2, Vtn = |Vtp| = 0.4 V, R = 5 kΩ, and VDD = 1.5 V Assuming that both MOSFETs M1 and M2 are biased in saturation, and that λ = 0, find the value of ID1 (in mA) so that the small-signal gain, vout/vin, of this amplifier is −10 V/V.

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The following circuit applies to Questions 11 through 13.
Given: μ n C o x ( W / L ) 1 = 10 m A / V 2 , μ p C o x ( W / L ) 2 = 20 m A / V 2 , V t n = | V t p | = 0.4 V , R = 5 k Ω , and V D D = 1.5 V
Assuming that both MOSFETs M 1 and M 2 are biased in saturation, and that λ = 0 , find the value of I D 1 (in m A ) so that the small-signal gain, v out / v in , of this amplifier is 10 V / V

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