The following circuit is a discrete common source n- MOSFET amplifier. Assume the transconductance (gm) of the amplifier is 0.5 mA/V. Rsig = 200 Ω, RG1 = 180 kΩ, RG2 = 45 kΩ, RD = RL = 40 kΩ, CC1 = 22 nF and CL = 3 nF (a) Draw a small signal circuit of the amplifier. (b) Derive a transfer function, T(s). (c) Sketch a Bode plot of magnitude. (d) Determine the values of mid-band voltage gain (AM), break frequencies and Bandwidth from the transfer functions in part (b). Q1: n-MOSFET

The following circuit is a discrete common source n- MOSFET amplifier. Assume the transconductance (gm) of the amplifier is 0.5 mA/V. Rsig = 200 Ω, RG1 = 180 kΩ, RG2 = 45 kΩ, RD = RL = 40 kΩ, CC1 = 22 nF and CL = 3 nF (a) Draw a small signal circuit of the amplifier. (b) Derive a transfer function, T(s). (c) Sketch a Bode plot of magnitude. (d) Determine the values of mid-band voltage gain (AM), break frequencies and Bandwidth from the transfer functions in part (b). Q1: n-MOSFET

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  1. The following circuit is a discrete common source n- MOSFET amplifier. Assume the transconductance ( g m ) of the amplifier is 0.5 m A / V .
R sig = 200 Ω , R G 1 = 180 k Ω , R G 2 = 45 k Ω , R D = R L = 40 k Ω , C C 1 = 22 n F and C L = 3 n F
(a) Draw a small signal circuit of the amplifier. (b) Derive a transfer function, T(s). (c) Sketch a Bode plot of magnitude. (d) Determine the values of mid-band voltage gain ( A M ) , break frequencies and Bandwidth from the transfer functions in part (b). Q1: n-MOSFET

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