The following is a single stage amplifier circuit with an enhancement load. Assume that both transistors has the same W/L ratio and the threshold voltage VTn = 0.2×VDD. a) Provide an accurate sketch of the transfer function, vOUT versus vIN. (12 points) b) Provide an expression for the small signal mid-band gain of this amplifier. (8 points) Useful formulae: for n -channel MOSFET iDS = K[(vGS − VTH)vDS − 12 vDS2] triode region iDS = 12 K(vGS − VTH)2(1 + λvDS) saturation region

The following is a single stage amplifier circuit with an enhancement load. Assume that both transistors has the same W/L ratio and the threshold voltage VTn = 0.2×VDD. a) Provide an accurate sketch of the transfer function, vOUT versus vIN. (12 points) b) Provide an expression for the small signal mid-band gain of this amplifier. (8 points) Useful formulae: for n -channel MOSFET iDS = K[(vGS − VTH)vDS − 12 vDS2] triode region iDS = 12 K(vGS − VTH)2(1 + λvDS) saturation region

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The following is a single stage amplifier circuit with an enhancement load. Assume that both transistors has the same W / L ratio and the threshold voltage V T n = 0.2 × V D D . a) Provide an accurate sketch of the transfer function, vOUT versus v I N . (12 points) b) Provide an expression for the small signal mid-band gain of this amplifier. (8 points)
Useful formulae: for n -channel MOSFET
i D S = K [ ( v G S V T H ) v D S 1 2 v D S 2 ] triode region i D S = 1 2 K ( v G S V T H ) 2 ( 1 + λ v D S ) saturation region

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