The MOSFET amplifier is operated from a power supply VDD = 2V and uses an NMOS transistor for which Vt = 0.4V, k
The MOSFET amplifier is operated from a power supply VDD = 2V and uses an NMOS transistor for which Vt = 0.4V, k’n = 0.4 mA/V^2, and λ=0, at a bias point characterized by VGS = 0.65V and VDS = 0.5V.
a. −1.5
b. −10
c. −12
d. −2
Assuming linear operation, what is the largest input signal permitted while the MOSFET remains in saturation?
a. 19.2 mV
b. 12.22 mV
c. 1.65 mV
d. 23.5 mV
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