The NMOS transistor in the circuit shown below has kn'(W/L)n = 1 mA/V^2 and a threshold voltage Vtn = 1 V. The PMOS transistor in this circuit has kp(W/L)p = 0.2 mA/V^2 and a threshold voltage Vtp = -1 V. Determine the DC voltage value at the drain of the NMOS transistor when: a) Gate of NMOS is at VGn = 0 V b) Gate of NMOS is at VGn = 5 V

The NMOS transistor in the circuit shown below has kn'(W/L)n = 1 mA/V^2 and a threshold voltage Vtn = 1 V. The PMOS transistor in this circuit has kp(W/L)p = 0.2 mA/V^2 and a threshold voltage Vtp = -1 V. Determine the DC voltage value at the drain of the NMOS transistor when: a) Gate of NMOS is at VGn = 0 V b) Gate of NMOS is at VGn = 5 V

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The NMOS transistor in the circuit shown below has kn'(W/L)n = 1 mA/V^2 and a threshold voltage Vtn = 1 V. The PMOS transistor in this circuit has kp(W/L)p = 0.2 mA/V^2 and a threshold voltage Vtp = -1 V. Determine the DC voltage value at the drain of the NMOS transistor when: a) Gate of NMOS is at VGn = 0 V b) Gate of NMOS is at VGn = 5 V

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