The parameters of the transistors in Figure P10.88 are VTN = 0.6 V, VTP = −0.6 V, kn′ = 100 μA/V2, kp′ = 60 μA/V2, and λn = λp = 0.04 V−1. The width-to-length ratios of M1 and M2 are 25, and those of all other transistors are 50. The value of VGSQ is such that ID1 = 80 μA, and all transistors are biased in the saturation region. Determine the smallsignal voltage gain Av = vo/vi. Figure P10.88

The parameters of the transistors in Figure P10.88 are VTN = 0.6 V, VTP = −0.6 V, kn′ = 100 μA/V2, kp′ = 60 μA/V2, and λn = λp = 0.04 V−1. The width-to-length ratios of M1 and M2 are 25, and those of all other transistors are 50. The value of VGSQ is such that ID1 = 80 μA, and all transistors are biased in the saturation region. Determine the smallsignal voltage gain Av = vo/vi. Figure P10.88

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The parameters of the transistors in Figure P10.88 are V T N = 0.6 V , V T P = 0.6 V , k n = 100 μ A / V 2 , k p = 60 μ A / V 2 , and λ n = λ p = 0.04 V 1 . The width-to-length ratios of M 1 and M 2 are 25 , and those of all other transistors are 50 . The value of V G S Q is such that I D 1 = 80 μ A , and all transistors are biased in the saturation region. Determine the smallsignal voltage gain A v = v o / v i . Figure P10.88

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