This question: Moore’s law predicts that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit doubles every two years. If the microprocessor shown above dissipates 60 watts at VDD = 3 V, then find the value of VDD that will be required for the next-generation microprocessor in 4 years with transistors working at doubled frequency (2 times). Assume the device capacitance remains constant and that we want the power dissipation to remain unchanged at 60 watts. 1.5 V 530 mV 750 mV 1.06 V 864 mV
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This question: Moore’s law predicts that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit doubles every two years. If the microprocessor shown above dissipates 60 watts at VDD = 3 V, then find the value of VDD that will be required for the next-generation microprocessor in 4 years with transistors working at doubled frequency (2 times). Assume the device capacitance remains constant and that we want the power dissipation to remain unchanged at 60 watts. 1.5 V 530 mV 750 mV 1.06 V 864 mV