TYU 9.11 All parameters associated with the instrumentation amplifier in Fig-ure 9.26 are as given in Exercise Ex 9.8, except that resistor R2 associated with the A1 op-amp is R2 = 50 kΩ ± 5%. (a) Determine the maximum and minimum possible values of the common-mode gain. (b) Determine the maximum and minimum possible values of the differential-mode gain. (c) Determine the minimum CMRR (dB). (Ans. (a) Acm = 0; (b) Ad(min) = 5.87, Ad(max) = 156.75; (c) CMRR = ∞) Figure 9.26 Instrumentation amplifier

TYU 9.11 All parameters associated with the instrumentation amplifier in Fig-ure 9.26 are as given in Exercise Ex 9.8, except that resistor R2 associated with the A1 op-amp is R2 = 50 kΩ ± 5%. (a) Determine the maximum and minimum possible values of the common-mode gain. (b) Determine the maximum and minimum possible values of the differential-mode gain. (c) Determine the minimum CMRR (dB). (Ans. (a) Acm = 0; (b) Ad(min) = 5.87, Ad(max) = 156.75; (c) CMRR = ∞) Figure 9.26 Instrumentation amplifier

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TYU 9.11 All parameters associated with the instrumentation amplifier in Figure 9.26 are as given in Exercise Ex 9.8, except that resistor R 2 associated with the A 1 op-amp is R 2 = 50 k Ω ± 5 % . (a) Determine the maximum and minimum possible values of the common-mode gain. (b) Determine the maximum and minimum possible values of the differential-mode gain. (c) Determine the minimum CMRR ( d B ) . (Ans. (a) A c m = 0 ; (b) A d ( min ) = 5.87 , A d ( max ) = 156.75 ; (c) CMRR = ) Figure 9.26 Instrumentation amplifier

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