Consider the following statement. If 1 − 0.99999 … is less than every positive real number, then it equals zero. Use modus ponens or modus tollens to fill in the blanks in the argument so as to produce a valid inference. 1 − 0.99999 … is real number. ∴ The number 1 − 0.99999 … equals zero.

Consider the following statement. If 1 − 0.99999 … is less than every positive real number, then it equals zero. Use modus ponens or modus tollens to fill in the blanks in the argument so as to produce a valid inference. 1 − 0.99999 … is real number. ∴ The number 1 − 0.99999 … equals zero.

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Consider the following statement. If 1 − 0.99999 … is less than every positive real number, then it equals zero. Use modus ponens or modus tollens to fill in the blanks in the argument so as to produce a valid inference. 1 − 0.99999 … is real number. ∴ The number 1 − 0.99999 … equals zero.

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