Ex. 1 - Consider the two-state DTMC with the transition matrix P = [ 1 - a a b 1 - b ] a, b ∈ [0,1]. Discuss the reducibility, periodicity and limiting/stationary/occupancy distributions to classify the DTMC for different a, b.

Ex. 1 - Consider the two-state DTMC with the transition matrix P = [ 1 - a a b 1 - b ] a, b ∈ [0,1]. Discuss the reducibility, periodicity and limiting/stationary/occupancy distributions to classify the DTMC for different a, b.

stochastic process dtmc model

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Ex. 1 - Consider the two-state DTMC with the transition matrix
P = [ 1 a a b 1 b ]
a , b [ 0 , 1 ] . Discuss the reducibility, periodicity and limiting/stationary/occupancy distributions to classify the DTMC for different a , b .

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