In this problem y = 1/(1+c1e^-x) is a one-parameter family of solutions of the first-order DE y' = y - y^2. Find a solution of the first order IVP consisting of this differential equation and the given initial condition. y(0) = -1/4

In this problem y = 1/(1+c1e^-x) is a one-parameter family of solutions of the first-order DE y' = y - y^2. Find a solution of the first order IVP consisting of this differential equation and the given initial condition. y(0) = -1/4

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In this problem y = 1/(1+c1e^-x) is a one-parameter family of solutions of the first-order DE y' = y - y^2. Find a solution of the first order IVP consisting of this differential equation and the given initial condition. y(0) = -1/4

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