The matrix A = [7 6 −4 −4] has an eigenvalue λ = −1. Find an eigenvector for this eigenvalue. [ ] Note: You should solve the following problem WITHOUT computing all eigenvalues. The matrix B = [−3 −5 −2 −6] has an eigenvector v→ = [−1 0 4]. Find the eigenvalue for this eigenvector. λ =

The matrix A = [7 6 −4 −4] has an eigenvalue λ = −1. Find an eigenvector for this eigenvalue. [ ] Note: You should solve the following problem WITHOUT computing all eigenvalues. The matrix B = [−3 −5 −2 −6] has an eigenvector v→ = [−1 0 4]. Find the eigenvalue for this eigenvector. λ =

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The matrix A = [ 7 6 4 4 ] has an eigenvalue λ = 1 . Find an eigenvector for this eigenvalue. [ ]
Note: You should solve the following problem WITHOUT computing all eigenvalues. The matrix B = [ 3 5 2 6 ] has an eigenvector v = [ 10 4 ] . Find the eigenvalue for this eigenvector.
λ =

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