13.22 Two identical blocks are released from rest. Neglecting the mass of the pulleys and the effect of friction, determine (a) the velocity of block B after it has moved 2 m, (b) the tension in the cable. 13.23 Two identical blocks are released from rest. Neglecting the mass of the pulleys and knowing that the coefficients of static and kinetic friction are μs = 0.30 and μk = 0.20, determine (a) the velocity of block B after it has moved 2 m, (b) the tension in the cable. Fig. P13.22 and P13.23

13.22 Two identical blocks are released from rest. Neglecting the mass of the pulleys and the effect of friction, determine (a) the velocity of block B after it has moved 2 m, (b) the tension in the cable. 13.23 Two identical blocks are released from rest. Neglecting the mass of the pulleys and knowing that the coefficients of static and kinetic friction are μs = 0.30 and μk = 0.20, determine (a) the velocity of block B after it has moved 2 m, (b) the tension in the cable. Fig. P13.22 and P13.23

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Fig. P13.21 13.22 Two identical blocks are released from rest. Neglecting the mass of the pulleys and the effect of friction, determine (a) the velocity of block B after it has moved 2 m , (b) the tension in the cable. 13.23 Two identical blocks are released from rest. Neglecting the mass of the pulleys and knowing that the coefficients of static and kinetic friction are μ 3 = 0.30 and μ k = 0.20 , determine (a) the velocity of block B after it has moved 2 m , (b) the tension in the cable. Fig. P13.22 and P13.23

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