A 100 m long ship lies at rest along the x axis. To whom does the ship appear longest? An observer moving at 0.5c in the -y direction. All of these observers measure the same length. An observer moving at 0.5c in the +y direction. An observer aboard the ship.

A 100 m long ship lies at rest along the x axis. To whom does the ship appear longest? An observer moving at 0.5c in the -y direction. All of these observers measure the same length. An observer moving at 0.5c in the +y direction. An observer aboard the ship.

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A 100 m long ship lies at rest along the x axis. To whom does the ship appear longest? An observer moving at 0.5c in the -y direction. All of these observers measure the same length. An observer moving at 0.5c in the +y direction. An observer aboard the ship.

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