A bullet (W1 = 2.0 oz) with a is fired horizontally with a velocity v1 = 1780 ft/sec into the block (W2 = 6.3 lb) of soft wood initially at rest on the horizontal surface. The bullet emerges from the block with the velocity v2 = 1265 ft/sec, and the block is observed to slide a distance of d = 9.6 ft before coming to rest. Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction μk between the block and the supporting surface. Answer: μk =

A bullet (W1 = 2.0 oz) with a is fired horizontally with a velocity v1 = 1780 ft/sec into the block (W2 = 6.3 lb) of soft wood initially at rest on the horizontal surface. The bullet emerges from the block with the velocity v2 = 1265 ft/sec, and the block is observed to slide a distance of d = 9.6 ft before coming to rest. Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction μk between the block and the supporting surface. Answer: μk =

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A bullet ( W 1 = 2.0 o z ) with a is fired horizontally with a velocity v 1 = 1780 f t / s e c into the block ( W 2 = 6.3 l b ) of soft wood initially at rest on the horizontal surface. The bullet emerges from the block with the velocity v 2 = 1265 f t / s e c , and the block is observed to slide a distance of d = 9.6 f t before coming to rest. Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction μ k between the block and the supporting surface.
Answer: μ k =

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