A CD has been rotating with angular speed of 2 rad/s and it starts to speed up with angular acceleration of 0.5 rad/s2. A coin stands on the cd 5 cm far from the center as shown. At t = 0, the coin has angular position shown in the figure. At t = 4 s, calculate (a) instantaneous angular velocity, (b) angular position, (c) number of revolutions, (d) speed of the coin, (c) net linear acceleration of the coin, (f) total kinetic energy of the system. (Icd = 1/2MR2, Md = 20 g, mcoin = 10 g, radius of the CD:R = 6 cm)

A CD has been rotating with angular speed of 2 rad/s and it starts to speed up with angular acceleration of 0.5 rad/s2. A coin stands on the cd 5 cm far from the center as shown. At t = 0, the coin has angular position shown in the figure. At t = 4 s, calculate (a) instantaneous angular velocity, (b) angular position, (c) number of revolutions, (d) speed of the coin, (c) net linear acceleration of the coin, (f) total kinetic energy of the system. (Icd = 1/2MR2, Md = 20 g, mcoin = 10 g, radius of the CD:R = 6 cm)

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A CD has been rotating with angular speed of 2 r a d / s and it starts to speed up with angular acceleration of 0.5 r a d / s 2 . A coin stands on the cd 5 c m far from the center as shown. At t = 0 , the coin has angular position shown in the figure. At t = 4 s , calculate (a) instantancous angular velocity, (b) angular position, (c) number of revolutions, (d) speed of the coin, (c) net linear acceleration of the coin, (f) total kinetic energy of the system.
( I d d = 1 / 2 M R 2 , M d = 20 g , m c o m = 10 g , radius of the C D : R = 6 c m )

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