A current of 1.00 A flows in an aluminum bar which is 10.0 cm long and 1.00 cm square sides. If electrons drift through the bar at a speed of 3.50×10−7 m/s, how many free conduction electrons are in the bar at any moment? 3.31×1022 7.00×1029 1.78×1024 1.79×1029

A current of 1.00 A flows in an aluminum bar which is 10.0 cm long and 1.00 cm square sides. If electrons drift through the bar at a speed of 3.50×10−7 m/s, how many free conduction electrons are in the bar at any moment? 3.31×1022 7.00×1029 1.78×1024 1.79×1029

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A current of 1.00 A flows in an aluminum bar which is 10.0 c m long and 1.00 c m square sides. If electrons drift through the bar at a speed of 3.50 × 10 7 m / s , how many free conduction electrons are in the bar at any moment? 3.31 × 10 22 7.00 × 10 29 1.78 × 10 24 1.79 × 10 29

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