A delivery man starts at the post office, drives 40 km north, then 20 km west, then 60 km northeast, and finally 50 km north to stop for lunch. Find his net displacement vector. 80 km, 80 degrees 134 km, 80 degrees 100 km, 70 degrees 140 km, 90 degrees

A delivery man starts at the post office, drives 40 km north, then 20 km west, then 60 km northeast, and finally 50 km north to stop for lunch. Find his net displacement vector. 80 km, 80 degrees 134 km, 80 degrees 100 km, 70 degrees 140 km, 90 degrees

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A delivery man starts at the post office, drives 40 k m north, then 20 k m west, then 60 k m northeast, and finally 50 k m north to stop for lunch. Find his net displacement vector. 80 k m , 80 degrees 134 k m , 80 degrees 100 k m , 70 degrees 140 k m , 90 degrees

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