A distribution of charge produces an electric field along the x-axis of the form E(x) = (327 V/m3)x2. The electric potential at x = 1.50 m is −70 V. What is the electric potential (V) at x = 1.10 m? 153 61.1 −153 75.1 303 −75.1 −303 −61.1 −223 223

A distribution of charge produces an electric field along the x-axis of the form E(x) = (327 V/m3)x2. The electric potential at x = 1.50 m is −70 V. What is the electric potential (V) at x = 1.10 m? 153 61.1 −153 75.1 303 −75.1 −303 −61.1 −223 223

Image text
A distribution of charge produces an electric field along the x -axis of the form E ( x ) = ( 327 V / m 3 ) x 2 . The electric potential at x = 1.50 m is 70 V . What is the electric potential ( V ) at x = 1.10 m ? 153 61.1 153 75.1 303 75.1 303 61.1 223 223

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