A firefighter, a distance d from a burning building, directs a stream of water from a fire hose at angle θi above the horizontal as in the figure. If the initial speed of the stream is vi, at what height h does the water strike the building? (Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: g.) h =

A firefighter, a distance d from a burning building, directs a stream of water from a fire hose at angle θi above the horizontal as in the figure. If the initial speed of the stream is vi, at what height h does the water strike the building? (Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: g.) h =

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A firefighter, a distance d from a burning building, directs a stream of water from a fire hose at angle θ i above the horizontal as in the figure. If the initial speed of the stream is v i , at what height h does the water strike the building? (Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: g .)
h =

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